Stop Being Overlooked in a Crowded Market....

Move from Invisible to INFLUENTIAL with.....

Experience the shift from being overlooked to sought after, as you build a personal brand that highlights your unique strengths and opens doors.

Whether you're an introvert or just want a genuine way to showcase your voice, Brand Plan Academy provides the tools to launch a personal brand that reflects your true strengths.

Your brand, your way. 

Before I tell you about this program, let's talk about who this is really for...

You're a professional who’s ready to do things differently!

You’re ready to grow your business, experience career opportunities and leave an impact on your industry, all while honouring your unique strengths and talents.

Whether you're...

🏹 a sales professional who is passionate about building relationships but tired of traditional ways of prospecting to people who don't know you

🏹 a team leader who wants to stand apart, attract career opportunities and communicate your unique offering to team members, clients and stakeholders

🏹 an entrepreneur who wants to attract an audience, build trust with potential customers, and lead your community down the path to purchase

You're in the right place, and I'm going to show you how you can uncover your uniqueness, and put it into action so that you can influence others and attract opportunities.

Limited Time Enrollment - Join Brand Plan Academy Today!

By the end of this 7-week online program, you will have:

A crystal clear view of your audience member's profile

You will understand their challenges and how your brand can influence them to work with you.

Clarity on what makes you unique

You will do a deep dive into all facets of your personality, and how you can set yourself apart in the market.

A focused content-delivery strategy

You'll explore how you can reach your audience and extend an invitation to get to know you better.

The confidence to create content

Whether you're creating your own, or interacting with someone else's content or you'll have the confidence to share your voice and engage your audience!

Tools and Resources at your Fingertips

Your growing brand will be documented, leaving you with a robust toolkit including tools to manage your personal brand with the time you have.

But above all else.....

Brand Plan Academy will give you the confidence to finally express your personal brand and set yourself apart from your competition.

Hear from Leanne

Friend, I’ve been there…When I started out in a sales role back in 2007, I was terrified. I didn’t want to pick up the phone and call on prospects. As a raging introvert, the thought of “putting myself out there” terrified me. I had to try to do things differently.

So I started tweeting (that’s what they called it back then…). Before long, I became known as “lcalderwood” in my industry, and my brand was born.  Leads and opportunities started to find me, all because I spent some time online, permitting people to get to know me better.

Over the years my brand has grown, changed, and gone on to impact and influence countless people in my industry, all while staying true to my introverted strengths and gifts.  

Through all my brand shifts and iterations, I found myself coming back to 5 Key Decisions I needed to make about my brand. Those 5 Key Decisions are what is Brand Plan Academy.  

My hope is that you will start to create your own impact, and empower you to do so while honoring your strengths, using a framework that will save you both time and money. 

Cheers, and here’s to YOUR brand success,


Get Started On Your Brand TODAY!

3 Monthly Payments of


A One-Time Payment of


VIP Experience


Hear from BPA Student Stephanie!

"Leanne has an engaging teaching style that allows one to dive deep into who we are, and what we want to do with our brands.

I used Brand Plan Academy to gain a better understanding of who I am and my branding goals. Now I'm speaking at events and I'm more confident to share about myself and my organization.

Brand Plan Academy is a thorough resource I can easily refer back to and make changes to my brand as needed. I'm not afraid to try new things and I'm assuredly stepping out as the face and voice of my organization."

Stephanie Lynch, CMP, DES

Manager, Partnerships and Projects, Explore Edmonton

What you'll find inside of BRAND PLAN ACADEMY

MODULE 1 - Getting Ready
Laying the Foundations for Your Brand Journey

Module 1 is designed to prepare you for the exciting work of building your personal brand. This module will help you establish a solid foundation, both mentally and strategically.

What You'll Achieve:

✔️ Develop a Positive Branding Mindset

✔️ Learn to Collaborate with Your Employer

✔️ Prepare for the Branding Journey Ahead

By the end of this module, you'll be ready to approach your brand with a mindset and strategy that's set up for success. It’s the foundation upon which your entire personal brand will be built.

MODULE 2 - Defining Your Goals
Your Personal Branding Compass

In Module 2, we transform your personal branding vision into a focused, actionable reality. It's the compass that will guide every decision in your branding voyage.

What You'll Discover and Achieve:

✔️ Crystal-Clear Brand Vision

✔️ SMART Goal Crafting

✔️ In-Depth Audience Understanding

By the end of Module 2, you’ll have your brand’s roadmap. You'll step out with a brand that's not only aligned with your vision but also primed to connect deeply with your ideal audience.

MODULE 3 - Designing Your Brand
Your Brand's Creative Playground

This is where your personal brand comes alive with the colors of your unique personality and story. Get ready for an exciting journey into self-discovery and creative expression!

What You'll Achieve:

✔️ Discover Your Brand's DNA

✔️ Uncover Your Life Experiences That Connect With Your Audience

✔️ Define Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

✔️ Create Customer-Centric Branding

By the end of this module, you will feel energized and, well…. Like YOU!!!

MODULE 4 - Determining Your Platforms
Amplify Your Brand's Reach

In Module 4, you’ll make strategic decisions about where and how to showcase your brand so your messages reach the right audience, in the right place, at the right time.

What You'll Achieve:

✔️ Understand the Platform Spectrum

✔️ Choose the Platform(s) that Help You Achieve Your Goals

✔️ Develop a Platform Strategy

By the end of this module, your brand will be positioned for optimal visibility with your audience in the crowded digital landscape.

MODULE 5 - Developing Your Content
Crafting Your Brand’s Voice

Get ready to transform your thoughts and insights into compelling content that resonates and establishes you as a thought leader.

What You'll Achieve:

✔️ Define Your Content Pillars

✔️ Explore Various Content Types

✔️ Craft a Strategic Content Plan

✔️ Utilize Tools for Organization

By the end of this module, you'll have a clear, actionable plan to consistently produce content that showcases your expertise, connects with your audience, and amplifies your brand.

MODULE 6 - Discovering Your Community
Building Your Brand's Network

In this final module inside Brand Plan Academy, you’ll start to extend your brand beyond yourself, establish meaningful connections, and nurture a community that resonates with your values and message.

What You'll Achieve:

✔️ Identify Key Community Groups

✔️ Engage and Connect Effectively

✔️ Nurture Your Community

✔️ Transform Connections into Opportunities

By the end of this module, your personal brand will become a conversation, an interaction, and a relationship with a thriving community.

When You Enroll During This Special Limited Time, You'll Get:

1. Comprehensive Personal Branding Five Dimension Framework Access:

From setting clear goals in Module 1 to discovering your unique community in Module 6, each dimension is designed to systematically build and amplify your personal brand.

2. A Thorough Personality Analysis:

Discover all your unique traits, quirks, strengths and stories - all meant to help you connect with your audience and build trust with your network. 

3. Exclusive Access to Downloadable Resources:

Content calendars, platform frameworks, and interactive workspaces, are just a few of the tools that await you - all designed to help you apply the concepts you learn directly to your personal brand.

4. Personalized Content Pillars and Strategy Templates:

Create a custom content strategy using tools to help you produce consistent, impactful content that resonates with your audience.

Plus these bonuses will help rocket your brand momentum and provide assets and insights to help fuel your branding efforts!

Bonus #1 - Brand CONNECT
8 Weeks of LIVE Group Coaching Calls,
and Access To A Private WhatsApp Group

Deepen your learning, connect with peers, and receive personalized guidance as you develop and refine your brand.

What You Receive:

🌟 Personalized Coaching

🌟 Real-Time Support

🌟 Network with Peers

🌟 Accountability and Motivation:

By enrolling now you're not just gaining access to a course – you're stepping into a supportive community and a dynamic, interactive learning environment. This is where your branding journey truly comes alive.

Bonus #2 - Brand Plan Action Plan

Turn Your Branding Vision into Reality

Transition from learning and planning to doing and thriving. This bonus is designed to convert the insights and strategies you developed, into tangible, impactful actions.

What You'll Achieve:

🌟 Learn the Time Required to Complete Various Brand Activities

🌟 Strategically Calendar Your Brand Efforts

🌟 Measure and Adjust for Impact

You'll have a clear, actionable path to not only build your personal brand but also maintain its growth and relevance.

Bonus #3 - Brand Asset Bundle
Elevate Your Brand with Essential Tools

This specially curated bonus designed to equip you with the essential tools needed to create a lasting impact and influence through your personal brand.

What You'll Achieve:

🌟 Create a Compelling Elevator Pitch

🌟 Craft an Engaging Biography

🌟 Optimize Your Social Media Presence

🌟 Master PR Communications

You'll walk away with tangible, ready-to-use assets that bring your brand to life. This bonus is all about action - turning your brand strategy into tangible tools that open doors and create opportunities.

Bonus #4 - Brand Boost Challenges

Accelerating Your Brand Growth

Introducing the ultimate accountability partner!

Each month you’ll receive a new challenge that will move your brand to new heights!

Templates, swipe copy and other tips will help you with these branding activities that are sure to elevate your industry’s impact and influence.

What You'll Achieve:

🌟 Expand Your Network and Influence

🌟 Boost Your Confidence in Public Speaking and Content Creation

🌟 Develop Consistent and Impactful Branding Habits

With the Brand Boost Challenges, you're elevating your brand and stepping outside of your comfort zone.

This is where your rocket-ship growth lies!!

Get ALL OF THIS for a limited time!

  1. 6 Modules of Brand Plan Academy

(Value $4200)

  1. Brand Connect - 8 Live Group Coaching Calls and Private WhatsApp group

(Value $1200)

  1. Brand Asset Bundle

(Value $99)

  1. Brand Plan Action Plan

(Value $199)

  1. Brand Boost Challenges

(Value $299)

Total Value = $6096

Today’s Price

= $997

3 Monthly Payments of


A One-Time Payment of


VIP Experience


Ready to really Level Up?

Consider this executive VIP Experience!

In addition to the full program and bonuses, BPA’s VIP’s receive:

Two one-on-one coaching calls.

Receive real-time feedback and advice from Leanne on your branding decisions and actions. You’ll receive homework in advance, and the suggestions are tailor-made, just for you and the impact you’re trying to make.

Social media and brand asset audit

This holistic view of your brand will help you dial in your messaging and create consistency. Leanne steps into the shoes of your ideal client, and helps your communicate a strong and compelling message, everywhere! No stone left unturned under Leanne’s watch.

VIP Experience


Plus your investment is protected by my

10-day Risk Free Money Back Guarantee

Our Promise to You:

- Commitment to Quality: We are dedicated to providing high-quality training that genuinely benefits your personal branding journey.

- Fit for Your Style: We recognize that every professional has unique preferences when it comes to training styles. Our program is designed to cater to diverse learning needs, but we understand it might not be everyone's cup of tea.

- Risk-Free Exploration: You have 10 days to explore the course, engage with the materials, and experience our training style. If within these 10 days you find that Brand Plan Academy isn't the right fit for you, we'll process your refund, no questions asked. 

Let's start this journey together, with the assurance that your satisfaction is our commitment.

Yep, I’m IN!!!

3 Monthly Payments of


A One-Time Payment of


VIP Experience


Hold up, is this the right course for me?

This and other questions answered here!

Who is Brand Plan Academy best suited for?

Brand Plan Academy is ideal for professionals keen on using personal branding as a tool for business and opportunity attraction. It's especially beneficial for B2B and sales personnel, as well as for team leaders and entrepreneurs. Our philosophy is that we attract sales by building one’s “know, like and trust” factor.  BPA is for those that are  looking to stand out in their industry without compromising their authenticity.

What if I’m new to personal branding?

Our program is designed to accommodate both beginners and those with some experience in personal branding. The step-by-step framework and supportive community make it an excellent fit for anyone starting from scratch or looking to refine their existing brand.

How much time do I need to dedicate to this course?

We recommend setting aside a few hours each week to go through the modules and implement the strategies. However, the course is self-paced, so you can adjust your learning to fit your schedule. We’ve included a Course Completion guide to help you self-pace according to your lifestyle.

Is there ongoing support available after I complete the course?

Absolutely! You'll have access to the private WhatsApp group for ongoing support. Plus, the group coaching calls during the course are designed to provide you with the tools and confidence to continue developing your brand independently.

Can I access the course materials after the course ends?

Yes, you'll have lifetime access to all course materials, so you can revisit the lessons and resources whenever you need a refresher.

What makes Brand Plan Academy different from other personal branding courses?

Brand Plan Academy stands out with its unique PB5D Framework, tailored specifically for professionals interested in using their brand as a sales tool. Our focus on ethical persuasion, combined with practical tools and a supportive community, ensures a holistic and effective learning experience.

Is there a refund policy if I’m not satisfied with the course?

We offer a 10-day risk-free guarantee. If you find the course isn't the right fit within this period, we’ll provide a full refund, no questions asked. We value your satisfaction and commitment to your personal branding journey.

Are there any prerequisites for joining the course?

No prerequisites are required. All you need is a willingness to learn and a commitment to developing your personal brand.

If you’re thinking “this sounds amazing but I’m still not 100% sure, keep reading….”

Give Brand Plan Academy a 10-day risk free shot

if you’re motivated by any of the following:


You’re ready to stand out and do things differently!

In today's hyper-competitive professional world, it's easy to feel like just another face in the crowd. Brand Plan Academy offers you the tools and strategies to carve out a distinct and memorable personal brand, ensuring you stand out and are recognized for your unique talents and contributions, especially important for introverted professionals who might feel overshadowed in a noisy marketplace.


You’re ready to elevate your career!

Brand Plan Academy is not just about external branding; it's about aligning your personal aspirations with your professional trajectory. We help you define clear, achievable goals, ensuring that your personal brand is a true reflection of your professional ambitions and values. This alignment is particularly powerful for those in B2B and sales roles, where trust and authenticity are key to success.


You’re Excited To Create a Sustainable, Impactful Branding Strategy:

The fear of the time and effort required to maintain a personal brand can be a significant deterrent. Brand Plan Academy addresses this by providing you with efficient, repeatable frameworks and strategies. You'll learn how to create a personal brand that is not only impactful but also sustainable and easy to maintain, fitting seamlessly into your busy professional life.

By joining Brand Plan Academy, you're not just signing up for a course; you're investing in a transformative journey that addresses your deepest professional fears and aspirations, turning them into a roadmap for success and fulfillment.

Dear Future Branding Trailblazer,

If you're reading this, it means you're on the cusp of making a decision that could profoundly transform your professional journey. I know that stepping into the world of personal branding can feel daunting, especially if you're someone who naturally shies away from the spotlight. I've been there, and that's exactly why I am so excited for you.

You see, personal branding isn't just about being seen – it's about being recognized for who you truly are and what you uniquely bring to the table. It's about finding your voice in a world where so many are still searching for theirs.

For me, embracing personal branding was a game-changer. It allowed me to step out of the shadows, not by shouting louder, but by speaking more authentically. It opened doors I never knew existed and connected me with people who have since become not just colleagues but friends and collaborators.

You're here because you have something special to offer, and it deserves to be shared. Whether you're in B2B, sales, or any profession that demands distinctiveness and trust, your personal brand is your passport to opportunities that align with your true professional aspirations.

I understand the fears and hesitations – the 'what ifs' that loom large. But let me assure you, the benefits of taking this journey far outweigh the fears. The sense of achievement, the growth in confidence, the doors that open – these are just a few of the rewards that await you.

Brand Plan Academy is more than just a course. It's a safe, supportive space where you can explore and express your professional identity. Your personal brand is a story waiting to be told, and I can't wait to help you write it.

Are you ready to join us and embark on this transformative journey? 

To your success,


P.S. Remember, your personal brand is the bridge between where you are and where you want to be. Take the first step today and see where it can take you. Enroll now and let's start this incredible journey together.

Start creating more IMPACT today!

3 Monthly Payments of


A One-Time Payment of


VIP Experience
