Are you excited to create a personal brand, but not sure where to start?

Take the Quiz and Discover Your Personal Branding Strength!

Personal branding isn’t only for celebrities and influencers; in fact it's accessible to everyone!

Yes you, the quiet one in the corner, I mean you too! Even as introverts, we possess great branding strengths - ones that can impact and influence our clients and prospects to take action!

Take this fun 2-minute quiz, and uncover your unique way of influencing the world around you!

Learn how to use your branding strength to create impact, without creating noise….

With your brand’s archetype in hand, learn how you can influence your community, without standing on the table to have your voice heard. You’ll gain insights about:

Why is this important?

Hey there, I “see” you! Which means you’re further ahead in your brand than you realize! I created my brand almost by accident back in 2009, out of a necessity to “do things differently” when trying to attract clients and leads. As an introvert, I couldn’t wrap my head around doing cold calls and pitching myself at noisy networking events, so I chose a different path - one that led with thought leadership and relatability. And something interesting happened… it made networking events easier. People came up to ME, instead of me having to force networking - all because I was showing up in my industry!

That’s what branding really is - it's about showing up. And for many of us, we want to show up in a way that honours our unique personalities and temperaments. I created this quiz to help you gain insights about how you BEST show up. Use your quiz results as your springboard for when you’re ready to “do things differently” with your own unique strengths! 

To creating impact, not noise,


PS. Spoiler Alert - My branding strength is “Thought Leader”…. What’s yours?

Ready to Make The Most of Your Natural Strengths?

Calling all Artists, Creatives & Crafters!

Don’t let the administration side of your business drown out your creativity. Focus on your zone of genius and use templates for the rest!

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